Monday, April 15, 2013

I am an extremist.

                It must be true.  Governor Cuomo says so.

I have been a liberal democrat my whole life.  I believe in Universal Health Care.  I think government should protect those that can’t protect themselves.  I believe that Halliburton has no place within a thousand miles of my well, which supplies water to my precious family.  I believe in a woman’s right to choose.  I oppose war and other forms of violence.  I believe in public radio and television

But, I am a gun owner.  I live in Upstate NY and I want to keep my guns.  My guns don’t hurt people.  I don’t hurt people.  I am one of millions of law abiding gun owners in New York that oppose Governor Cuomo’s  NY SAFE Act.  I bet there are even a few gun owners that are liberal Democrats, like me.   These millions, that I am a part of, have been labeled extremist by Governor Cuomo.                

I am an extremist like Rachael Carson was an extremist.  I am an extremist like Gloria Steinem is an extremist.  I am an extremist like Ralph Nader is an extremist.    I am an extremist like Big Bird is an extremist.  I am an extremist like Mahtma Ghandi was an extremist.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Dark Side.

Kim said...

I don't believe everything you do but part of the reason we left NY is for less governing, less taxes and keeping our constitutional rights.

Happy Sewing