Sunday, November 18, 2012

My first deer!

I got him opening day.  He spent over a half an hour blowing at me.  I started blowing back and he kept coming. 

No luck with the bow this year.  I'll be practicing with the bow for the next year and hope to do well next October.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'm taking up the bow.

Took my Bow Hunter Safety Course.  Ordered a bow.  I should be in the woods not seeing any deer the second week of October.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's been to long and I need to pay attention to my punctuation.

It's been 6 months, where did all that time go?  We're getting ready for second grade around here. 

I've been shooting lots more, not knitting so much and I have a miniature quilt in progress (actually it's stalled).

The puppy is almost 18 months old and she is a great dog.  Casey has turned into an old lady, until she sees a rabbit on a walk.

We just got rid of all the chickens.  I found nice homes for them.  I'll be buying local eggs from here on out. 

All this random info is related to how much your life changes when you have a child.  For the most part, anything that interferes with the travel to and from activities and family needed to be curtailed.

Next, I'm trying to make the basement less hazardous to my shins.  We started out with a garage sale, but bunches of stuff didn't make it out.  Now to take a few things to the dump each week.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012