Monday, August 28, 2006

Winter is coming

I love the change of seasons. It's not even Labor Day yet and it seems like fall already. The temps have been very cool for about 2 weeks. We had rain, wind and mist for 2 days. It really felt like September.

We do lots of winter prep here. The chimney gets cleaned, the old chickens get processed for the freezer, tomatoes get made into sauce and get canned, the garden gets cleaned out, the asparagus gets mulched, the generator gets drained and gets new gas, winter clothes get brought out, the clothesline comes down, the flannel sheets come out, the raspberries get pruned.

A friend asked why we have a generator (or rather, why we have plans for a power outage). The answer is that we can't rely on the power grid to keep us going. My friend never considered the possibility that we may be out of power for any length of time. The fact is that the grid can fail for lots of reasons. In 1991 I lived through an ice storm. I lived in Rochester, NY at the time. I had no power for 12 days. Fortunately it wasn't really cold. I had city water so there was no interruption of service. On our farm we have a well. The well pump needs electricity to get water up from 547 feet. Since the animals need water (we do too, but not as much) we have a generator to make sure we can get along for a short amount of time (couple of weeks?) We also have a wood stove for heat. After Hurricane Katrina especially, we have come to realize that we have to be responsible for our own health and safety, we can't count on "the government" to take care of us.

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