Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's cold now.

It's fun to bundle up and hibernate in the house. By February that will be really old but for now it's fun to snuggle with the baby and plan for the holidays.

We saw snow this week. It wasn't enough to amount to even a dusting but it was flying about in the air. At this time last year we had a snowfall of about 8 inches. It didn't last long. I think that was the most snow we had all winter.

If any old wive's tales are to be believed we are in for a doozy of a winter. There are lots of acorns and mountain ash berries. It was a banner year for blackberries.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's been awhile.

A month just blew by me. I've been thinking a lot about what I could be doing. I'm just running out of time. I just got my son sleeping well. To maximise his sleep he should probably go down around 7:00. At 7:00 I've been home for just an hour and I'm cooking dinner and doing other chores. We settle for a bedtime of 9:00. Not ideal but it seems to be working for the time being.

On another note, my friend Sharon is a Peak Oil activist. She has a blog that makes me think that we (meaning my family) are not doing enough to live simply and reduce our footprint on the Earth. I encourage everyone to read what she has to say (it's very thoughtful and well written).